Let the butter 'fly...
Hello lovelies, Its good to have something to write about today. After that post on Wednesday, I got more than 10 responses; some sharing experiences, some giving solidarity and some giving advice. I can't even explain how grateful I was to have got that number of responses. Thank you again. Have you seen butter fly? Lol. Is it even possible? I let my own butter fly! How? Today, I'm here with feedback. So yesterday, I had to talk with my then boo to keep in touch as usual. We spoke via video calls for about 30 minutes and it was a pure 30 minutes of fun and love. We decided to move to What's App to continue and the gist started going south. I had had enough of changing conversations when it started taking the sexual turn so I went "You see, I want to do all this with you too when I see you and I miss you so much I can't wait to jump into your arms but I can't do all this. I am a different breed and I am not going to try to fit into the world's...