Hello '19!

Hello, Bye…

Lol. No bye.

Happy New Year. In February you think? I really don't understand how January strolled past so my new year begins now.

I’m not back with a New Year resolution of updating this blog every time. Far from it. I actually do not see me doing that.

So, how was 2018? Powerful? Draining? Tear jerking?

Last year for me was quite amazing. Really amazing. One thing I did two years ago, after I returned from Maiduguri in December 2017 was put out my goals, howbeit vague to the world. All I can say is a lot worked for my good. Thinking of it now, I think the worst moment in 2018 was when I thought I had lost my then job. I was suspended indefinitely, because diplomacy doesn’t work every time; and I thought it was over. Look at me today; without the same job, alive and kicking.

One of the highlights of my year was getting admitted to University of Ibadan for my Masters. I had toyed with, yet, pushed going for my Masters since 2013, especially because I didn’t want to run my course in Nigeria and I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. When I decided to apply in 2017, I just did for the fun of it. The admission came late and I actually thought I wasn’t chosen. Somehow, someway, I am now Ibadan Princess. Lol.

I lost people I deemed close friends and met friends. I built relationships with people I now see as family. What’s more is I left the 'singlehood' for you all. Haha. Don’t be envious. I’m back to the 'singlehood' now. About that, it felt good to actually get into a relationship though, short-lived. It felt good to pour all the dormant love into someone else. Then, I learnt lessons from it as it just wasn’t meant to happen.

Financially, I was financially free with little investments in Money Market Funds at a point, feeling like a Queen with no debts in the world. My Masters and settling down however, took all I thought, including investments, I had financially. I realized again that money is fleeting and not worth dying for. I’m definitely going to have money because I need it but it is not worth dying for. I mean, how do you go from “a large 6 figure savings” to “nothing in the account” in less than 3 months?

Overall, I had an amazing 2018 and I feel like 2019 will definitely be better than 2018.

How was yours?

In 2019, I pray that the universe will be kind to us.
May we experience peace, favor and grace on all side.
Cheers to ’19.

PS: Leave a comment. It is your right and my joy.


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