Facts about Yoruba Aunties...


I wanna rant. Ayam so hangry. Sum'n just appun rai now.

Okay. Not right now. It's a build up of issues.
Why do all these Yoruba aunties feel like they have shares in your life? What is their problem sef?

I have lots of Yoruba aunties story but I am pissed off today because one is currently doing a good job annoying me.

I compiled a list of what I feel the average Yoruba is.

The Yoruba aunty is very expressive. She feels like she has shares in your life and when you aren't doing well according to her standards, she doesn't fail to express it in the ways best to her, most times, by talking shouting. They go as far as comparing 29years old you to their 5years old child who just passed her "drawing a heart" exams.

The Yoruba aunty is an average disrespectful human being expecting top notch respect from you. They always look like this.

They can make mistakes. You can't. Half of them got married with their first children in their womb. Those ones are most judgmental when they see you talking with your bible study teacher near the toilet. Don't ask me who conducted the survey. Ask your Yoruba aunty. Radarada and Yoruba Aunty.
They have savage answers to everything. Like this..⇊

Ohh... Yoruba aunties used to look like that woman up there. Now, they've stepped up. They look like this now.

NB- Ehen.... Every African aunt is all this and more. Not just the Yoruba ones. Author is more comfortable using Yoruba because she's more Yoruba than any other tribe.

Care to share who your Yoruba aunty is? Please do. I'll be glad to receive and update.

Please, leave a comment. It is your right and my joy.
Till next time, CIAO.


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